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  • Summer Camp | thekidspotcenter

    Summer Camp june 2024 Hosted by The Kid Spot Center Campbellsville Clinic. Camp for kids of ALL abilities at the Campbellsville location! Your child does NOT have to be a patient at The Kid SpOt Center to participate! We are looking forward to opening this camp up to the community and providing enrichment activities for children to participate in during the summer. We are getting ready for the summer Olympics with an Olympic Themed Summer Camp for the month of June and we have so many fun things planned for your child! The camp days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday for 8-11 year olds and Tuesdays and Thursdays for 5-7 year olds from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm est for the month of June.

  • The Kid SpOt Center | Home

    Casa Notice of Privacy Practices Sobre nosotros Servicios Ubicaciones Recursos para padres Meet the Team Carreras profesionales Galería de fotos Contáctenos Search Results Team 2 New Link Team 2 More 1/25 Speech Therapy Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Music Therapy Community Support Targeted Case Management Applied Behavior Analysis Mental Health About Us SOBRE NOSOTROS NUESTRA HISTORIA Brandy Close, una terapeuta ocupacional, y Jennifer Houk, una patóloga del habla y lenguaje, son copropietarios de The Kid SpOt Center, LLC. Su viaje comenzó cuando trabajaron juntos tratando a los niños en el sistema escolar. Sintieron la necesidad de hacer más por los niños y las familias que se estaban cruzando en sus caminos. ​ En Después de años de soñar con abrir una clínica para niños con necesidades especiales, Brandy y Jennifer decidieron hacer realidad ese sueño. En 2010 abrieron su primera clínica en Campbellsville, KY. Esto no resultó ser una tarea fácil, pero con la determinación de no rendirse nunca y la fe que podía mover montañas, su sueño se hizo realidad. Este sueño ahora se conoce como The Kid SpOt Center. "SpOt" derivado de "Terapia del habla y ocupacional". Por lo tanto, todos los SpOts a lo largo de nuestro logotipo y marca. La realidad de este sueño es que The Kid SpOt Center está creciendo diariamente e impactando las vidas de los niños y sus familias de maneras que nunca antes se habían soñado. Lo que parece que los milagros continúan sucediendo diariamente en la vida de los niños en el Centro de SpOt Kid. No es más que una bendición ver a estos niños crecer y aprender todos los días. NUESTRA MISIÓN ​Nuestra misión en el Kid SpOt Center es brindar apoyo a las familias de niños con discapacidades. Nos esforzamos por ayudar a las familias a vivir cada día con la mayor facilidad posible. Nos esforzamos por brindar servicios de calidad a todos los niños con la esperanza de aumentar su capacidad para ser un miembro independiente y funcional de la sociedad. Queremos proporcionar recursos comunitarios y otra información a las familias de niños con discapacidades para ayudar a integrar los servicios en toda la comunidad. Sentimos que cada niño, y su familia, es un miembro importante de nuestra comunidad. Queremos capacitar a las familias para tomar decisiones informadas sobre su hijo y el cuidado que reciben. "Brayden never opens up to anyone. His anxiety has prevented him from social groups. Brayden has never felt comfortable or able to open up to anyone beside his immediate family, until Brittany came along. She has helped him in so many ways and has had a huge, positive influence on him. If he has a bad day at school, she makes sure she gets to see him. That means a lot to us!" -Felica Williamson 13 5 8 120 Años en negocios Clinicas Los programas Empleados felices

  • Music Therapy | thekidspotcenter

    Music therapy Music therapy is an allied healthcare profession that uses music interventions to address non-musical goals. This can include (but is not limited to) singing, instrument play, dancing, music and relaxation, songwriting, receptive music listening, and music-based play. Music therapy sessions can address: Gross motor skills (whole body movement) Fine motor skills (hand/finger movement) Expressive skills (imitating, using speech/language) Receptive skills (understanding speech/language) Social skills Emotion regulation/coping skills Behavioral skills Academic skills (school subjects) Cognitive skills (attention, learning, thinking) Cost of music therapy sessions $50 evaluation $25 individual 30-minute session $40 individual 60-minute session $15 group (2-3 patients) 60-minute session $10 group (2-3 patients) 30-minute session (Insurance currently does not cover the cost of music therapy) Professional Requirements for music therapist Complete a music therapy degree at an American Music Therapy Association approved program, at least 1,200 hours of clinical training, and a 6–12-month internship following coursework on campus. After that, candidates sit for the national board certification exam through the Certification Board for Music Therapist (CBMT). Upon passing the exam, therapist earn the credential of music therapist-board certified (MT-BC), which is required for professional practice. Get connected Bowling Green clinic is currently the only clinic that offers music therapy. Call us today to learn more about enrolling your child in services! (270) 495-1312

  • Speech Therapy | thekidspotcenter

    Speech Therapy Speech therapy (ST) is used to assess, diagnose, treat, and help to prevent disorders related to speech, language, cognitive-communication voice, swallowing and much more. Therapy is conducted by highly trained Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). Therapy can include playful and fun exercises using audio-visual elements such as books, images, stories, etc. Teaching children to create certain sounds and pronounce certain syllables, often in a playful manner like a game. Encouraging children to talk to each other in group sessions. One-on-one sessions with an SLP to focus on specific issues. Targeted Deficits Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)- Use of alternative ways to communicate (pictures/devices) Articulation/Phonology- Pronouncing speech sounds Auditory processing- How the brain processes information Cognitive impairments- Disruptions in the ability to think, concentrate, reason, and remember Fluency- Disruption of the fluency of speech (stuttering) Much more! Is your child meeting developmental milestones? 0-12 Months 12 Months 12-18 Months 18-24 Months 24-30 Months 24-30 Months Phonation (cry, burp, sneeze) Coos and Goos (produces vowels and consonant-vowel (CV or VC combinations) Exploration of voice and lungs (squeals, growls, yells, raspberries) Canonical Babbling (reduplicated syllables such as mama, dada, baba, wawa) Variegated Babbling (begins to use different CV syllables) Jargon (begins to use syllables with varied intonation patterns- sounding more speech-like) Produces first word Produces approximations (muh for milk) Imitates animal and play sounds (wee, yay, whoa, vroom) Child begins to intentionally label items Using 2-6 words OTHER than mama and dada Knows 50 words Uses a variety of words but they are mostly nouns Understands more words than they can say (150-300) Knows 200-300 words Child learns new words for animals, body parts, and simple verbs Beginning to put words together to use phrases Knows 450 words Uses positional words (in, on) Color words Can ask "what's that?" Early pronouns used (I, me, you, my) Get connected Call The Kid Spot Center clinic near you to schedule your child's free 15-minute screening!

  • FAQs | thekidspotcenter

    How to get Started

  • The Kid SpOt Center | Behavior Support Services

    Servicios de apoyo de comportamiento En caso de emergencia, por favor haga clic aquí. El enfoque de Kid SpOt para el cambio de comportamiento ... ¡EL FOCO DE TODO EL NIÑO! Somos tu SpOt para ... En Ayudando a TODAS las familias y comunidades por Ofreciendo ESPERANZA a través de la perseverancia y Proporcionando estrategias positivas para ¡Empoderándose unos a otros! Consejería de salud mental La consejería es una guía y ayuda para tomar decisiones. Los consejeros ayudan a las personas a explorar y entender sus mundos y descubrir mejores formas de pensar y vivir. El asesoramiento a menudo conduce a resolver problemas de la vida o aprender nuevas habilidades. Nuestros asesores trabajan con la población pediátrica dirigida a niños y adolescentes en edad escolar. Los siguientes son algunos problemas o inquietudes que pueden abordarse a través del proceso de asesoramiento: Problemas de ajuste Enfado Ansiedad Trastornos por déficit de atención e hiperactividad. Problemas de comportamiento Preocupaciones de la imagen corporal Dolor crónico y enfermedades. Depresión Trastornos del desarrollo Divorcio Trastornos de la alimentación Problemas familiares Pena y perdida Impulsividad Trastornos del estado de ánimo Trastornos obsesivos compulsivos Alteración del sueño Social Trastornos por uso de sustancias Trauma Qué esperar de la consejería de The Kid SpOt Center: Experiencia: Nuestros asesores en The Kid SpOt Center son asociados clínicos con licencia en el estado de Kentucky. Nuestros terapeutas tienen capacitación en asesoramiento clínico, terapia matrimonial y familiar o trabajo social. Todas nuestras sesiones de asesoramiento comienzan con una reunión con los padres para determinar las necesidades y también con una evaluación y evaluación del niño. Nuestros asesores utilizan una variedad de métodos para ayudar a los niños con sus necesidades de asesoramiento, incluida la terapia familiar, la terapia cognitivo-conductual, el arte creativo y los enfoques basados ​​en juegos, los enfoques centrados en la solución y mucho más. más. ¡Puede esperar que cada terapeuta empleado por el Centro de SpOt de Kid tenga el deseo de trabajar con los niños y un compromiso para ayudar a los niños a aprender, crecer y prosperar! Servicios de apoyo de comportamiento positivo personalizado ¿Está usted en la lista de espera de Michelle P. Waiver? Si desea saber dónde está su hijo / adulto en la lista de espera de MPW... Llame a la división de alternativas comunitarias - 502-564-1647 Seleccionar opción #4 (Salud Mental y Michelle P.) Luego selecciona Opción #1 (Michelle P. Lista de espera). Alguien le informará dónde se encuentra en la lista de espera. Los apoyos de comportamiento positivo personalizados están disponibles para las personas que reciben ayuda a través de Michelle P. Waiver (MPW) o personas que desean pagar en forma privada. ​ Apoyo personalizado de comportamiento positivo AYUDA a que usted y su hijo disminuyan los comportamientos inapropiados y / o aumenten los comportamientos apropiados. Personalized Positive Behavior Supports es un servicio provisto por The Kid SpOt Center y le permitirá a usted, a su hijo y a su familia recibir apoyo a través de estrategias comprobadas, intervenciones, terapia directa, co-tratamiento con otros terapeutas, capacitación de padres y apoyo continuo. ​ En ​ ¿Mi hijo recibirá servicios de ABA? ​ En ​ El análisis de comportamiento aplicado (ABA, por sus siglas en inglés) es una práctica comprobada que se usa para cambiar el comportamiento y lo ofrecemos en The Kid SpOt Center a través del uso de estrategias de apoyo de comportamiento que incluyen, entre otras, el comportamiento verbal, ensayos discretos, autoformación de videos, eventos sociales. historias, estrategias sensoriales (con un increíble gimnasio sensorial), apoyos visuales, refuerzos positivos, economía de chips, etc. En The Kid SpOt Center reconocemos que cada niño es un individuo y estamos comprometidos a "Darle forma a los niños para su futuro". ​ En ​ ¿Qué puedes esperar? ​ En ​ Su hijo recibirá una evaluación inicial para determinar sus necesidades y se creará un plan de apoyo de comportamiento personalizado. También habrá evaluaciones para determinar qué motiva a su hijo a querer cambiar. A su hijo se le enseñarán las habilidades necesarias para participar en comportamientos socialmente más apropiados y su familia aprenderá nuevas formas de responder cuando surjan necesidades. Gestión de casos específicos ¿Qué es la gestión de casos específicos? ​ En ​ La gestión de casos dirigida es un servicio que está diseñado para ayudar a un niño y su familia a acceder a una variedad de recursos y servicios comunitarios que se identifican como necesidades en la vida de ese niño. Algunos de estos pueden incluir, pero no se limitan a: necesidades educativas, sociales, vocacionales, médicas y de vivienda. ​ En ​ ¿QUÉ HACEN LOS ADMINISTRADORES DE CASOS EN EL CENTRO DE KID SPOT? ​ En ​ Nuestros administradores de casos específicos trabajan con niños hasta la edad de 21 años. Nuestros administradores de casos son profesionales especialmente capacitados que ayudan a coordinar y vincular a las personas con recursos y servicios comunitarios. Algunos de estos recursos y servicios comunitarios con los que una persona puede estar vinculada incluyen: ​ Necesidades educativas Necesidades sociales Necesidades vocacionales Transporte Asistencia medica Grupos comunitarios Asistencia para la vivienda Grupos de apoyo ​ ¡Llame para recibir una evaluación de elegibilidad de administración de casos de uno de nuestros administradores de casos profesionales! ​ Teléfono: 1-270-465-SPOT

  • The Kid SpOt Center | Elizabethtown Team

    Elizabethtown team "They Tailor everything for each child, no one size fits all here and that's great because each child is different and the things they need. I feel my daughters therapist does the ultimate best to give her the best of what she needs while also getting into that something new box that she has trouble with. The staff is also so great and friendly. Ready to answer any questions I have or provide information and also a school note ready for me because I will almost always forget. Thank you Kidspot for a great experience every time." - Parent Testimonial Lynn Beard, PBSS Lynn Beard is a “PBSS” Positive Behavior Support Specialist/” RBT” Registered Behavior Technician at the Elizabethtown location. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and Master of Science in Exceptional Education Learning and Behaviors Disorders with Teacher Leadership endorsement. She began her career in the elementary school setting as an instructional assistant and teacher before joining the KSC team in April 2018. Lynn is married and they have two adult children along with 3 fur babies who’s the love of their lives; two boxers and miniature Yorkie!! They enjoy the outdoors, especially hunting, fishing, kayaking, playing card and board games. Elizabethtown Clinic Manager/Positive Behavior Support Specialist Email Me Email Me Rebecca Price, M.Ed., NCC, LPCC, LCADC, TCM, ASDCS Rebecca is a board certified by the National Board, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Clinical Counselor in Alcohol and Drugs. She is also a certified DUI consultant and a Prime for Life instructor. Rebecca has sixteen years of experience in providing counseling services to children, adolescents and adults. Before joining Kid SpOt, she worked as a school counselor, co-owner/operator of a private practice and she previously worked at Campbellsville University where she was Director of Counseling Services and Vice Dean of Students. Rebecca's areas of interest include holistic approaches to the treatment of mental health, treatment of substance use in adolescents, children of addicts and defense of the victim. Clinical Director of Mental Health Jennifer Bourgeois Jennifer is from upstate New York and when her son and daughter in law moved to Kentucky it didn't take long for her husband and herself to follow. When not working she can usually be found spending time together with her family, or her dogs. Her father and siblings are spread out in different states and traveling to see each of them is very important to her. She is looking forward to helping everyone at KSC! ​ PCS Email Me Jena Ballard COTA/L Jena is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA/L). She has been at The Kid Spot Center since June 2012. Jena graduated from Jefferson Community and Technical College in Louisville in May 2012. She has a special training in Minds in Motion, Sensory Integration and Interactive Metronome. Jena lives in Cox's Creek with her husband, Nathan and their babies. Jena loves being outdoors, practicing canoeing, riding off-road, hunting, gardening and canning food. Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant ​ Email Me Kerry Frantum Kerry Frantum has 7 years of experience in the health industry. She joined The Kid SpOt Center in March 2017 as a Patient Advocate. She currently lives in Elizabethtown. In her free time she enjoys all the time she can spend with her daughter and all of her daughter's activities. She also enjoys gardening and spending time away from home during the spring and summer months. Patient Advocate Email Me Email Me Lori Rayburn-Dehart, BCBA, LBA Lori Rayburn-Dehart, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA, received her undergraduate degree in Business and Education from the Morehead State University. She then went on to get her Master’s and Rank 1 in Education with an emphasis in Special Education from Morehead State University. Lori also received her certification as Special Education Director from Morehead State University. Lori began her career as a special education teacher and later as a Behavior Consultant working with school districts. In 2012 Lori became a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and in 2015 a Kentucky Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA). Lori began working as Supervising BCBA with The KidSpOt Center in 2016. Her mission is to assist all kids in living a happy, healthy and successful life. Board Certified Behavior Analyst Patiricia Elliott, PBSS Patricia loves to teach and help people. She is a certified regular and special education teacher of 29 years. She received her Bachelor's of Science at Murray State University and her Master's in Counseling at Western Kentucky University. She has a life long commitment to helping those in need overcome obstacles and challenges. In her free time, she love spending time with her kids and pets. She also enjoys photography and the outdoors. Positive Behavior Support Specialist Email Me Kortney Craycroft OTR/L Kortney became an Occupational Therapist in 2020 and graduated from Spalding University. Prior to joining The Kid Spot Center, she worked with children at the YMCA after school care program for 5 years, and upon graduation worked as a pediatric therapist for one year and six months. Kortney really loves working with children and helping them grow to be their best selves. She currently lives in Louisville, KY. When Kortney is not working, she loves to roller skate and spend time with her husband. ​ Occupational Therapist Amy Ismail This is Amany, she goes by Amy. Amy went to school at the University of Louisville where she worked towards a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Fine Arts for Painting, and Fine Arts for Sculpting. Amy has always worked around children. She spent her high school days volunteering in the special education class. Amy has tutored children of all ages and worked in daycare settings. She found her passion in ABA and has never turned back. Amy feels that being able to make a difference in a child's life is the biggest reward. Having the ability to make even the smallest of changes in a child behavior for the better and being able to work with kids to adapt to social settings is something she aims towards in order to help KSC families live their best lives. In Amy's free time, she enjoys painting/drawing, reading books, or doing yoga. Amy feels like she can help KSC families live their best lives by being a good team member. Doing her best to create a positive environment for the clients and their families. Working with BCBA, Mina to implement appropriate behavior modification protocols to ensure optimal learning from the client and above all else keep it fun. Event he smallest thing can make a big difference for the family. ​ Registered Behavior Technician Elizabeth Weber Elizabeth is a military wife with 3 beautiful children. She was born and raised in California and has just moved to Kentucky. Being a military wife she has gotten the privilege to travel the world and see many places. She has a Bachelors in Social Work and loves and enjoys helping others as much as possible. She enjoys her time with her children and husband being outside and traveling as much as she can. ​ How can you help KSC families live their best lives? Elizabeth feels that she can help The kid Spot Center Families live their best lives by being a good listener and team member. She wants to do her best to make a safe and comfortable environment for her clients and their families. Elizabeth believes that she can help the families with finding resources and services that are out there for the whole family to use. ​ Targeted Case Manager

  • Parent SpOt | thekidspotcenter

    Parent Spot Who We Are Created to serve and support parents with children with special needs and disabilities. The Parent SpOt will offer support and education opportunities such as online webinars and in person meetings. ​ Is this group available at all KSC locations? Yes! Although some in person meetings will only be held at the Campbellsville clinic. All parents are still welcome to attend both in person and online meetings regardless of the location their child receives services. Are there registration fees to join the group? No, this offer is FREE! ​ Interested in our next upcoming event? Please email to RSVP Who Are We Future Events Parent spot meetings will resume in 2023. Enjoy this special season with your family! Previous Parent SpOt Events August 16th Skills for effective parent advocacy Live Webinar in partnership with KY-SPINN -- August 16th Get On The List Sign up to receive the first word on The Parent SpOt events. First Name Last Name Email Subscribe Thanks for submitting!

  • Notice of Privacy Practices | thekidspotcenter

    Please click on icon below to view our *Notice of Privacy Practices* Clicking on the circle icon will bring you to a document explaining our privacy practices. If you have any question please call us at: 270-465-7768 or emails us:

  • Online Payment | thekidspotcenter

    Online Payment Portal We offer a convient way to make payments to your child's account via our online portal. If you do not have an account set up yet call your local KSC Patient Services Coordinator to get your account set up. Use the button below to access the payment portal website and login! Pay my bill

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