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- Online Payment | thekidspotcenter
Online Payment Portal We offer a convient way to make payments to your child's account via our online portal. If you do not have an account set up yet call your local KSC Patient Services Coordinator to get your account set up. Use the button below to access the payment portal website and login! Pay my bill
- Apply here | thekidspotcenter
We’re Hiring First Name Last Name Email Applying for Select position Phone Choose an option Location Upload Resume Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Next
- Speech Therapy | thekidspotcenter
Speech Therapy Speech therapy (ST) is used to assess, diagnose, treat, and help to prevent disorders related to speech, language, cognitive-communication voice, swallowing and much more. Therapy is conducted by highly trained Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). Therapy can include playful and fun exercises using audio-visual elements such as books, images, stories, etc. Teaching children to create certain sounds and pronounce certain syllables, often in a playful manner like a game. Encouraging children to talk to each other in group sessions. One-on-one sessions with an SLP to focus on specific issues. Targeted Deficits Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)- Use of alternative ways to communicate (pictures/devices) Articulation/Phonology- Pronouncing speech sounds Auditory processing- How the brain processes information Cognitive impairments- Disruptions in the ability to think, concentrate, reason, and remember Fluency- Disruption of the fluency of speech (stuttering) Much more! Is your child meeting developmental milestones? 0-12 Months 12 Months 12-18 Months 18-24 Months 24-30 Months 24-30 Months Phonation (cry, burp, sneeze) Coos and Goos (produces vowels and consonant-vowel (CV or VC combinations) Exploration of voice and lungs (squeals, growls, yells, raspberries) Canonical Babbling (reduplicated syllables such as mama, dada, baba, wawa) Variegated Babbling (begins to use different CV syllables) Jargon (begins to use syllables with varied intonation patterns- sounding more speech-like) Produces first word Produces approximations (muh for milk) Imitates animal and play sounds (wee, yay, whoa, vroom) Child begins to intentionally label items Using 2-6 words OTHER than mama and dada Knows 50 words Uses a variety of words but they are mostly nouns Understands more words than they can say (150-300) Knows 200-300 words Child learns new words for animals, body parts, and simple verbs Beginning to put words together to use phrases Knows 450 words Uses positional words (in, on) Color words Can ask "what's that?" Early pronouns used (I, me, you, my) Get connected Call The Kid Spot Center clinic near you to schedule your child's free 15-minute screening!
- Positive Behavior Support Services (PBSS | thekidspotcenter
Positive Behavior Support Services Empowering families with personalized strategies to reduce behavioral challenges and enhance your child’s potential through proven, compassionate support. Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) is a person-centered, evidence-based approach designed to improve the quality of life for individuals with behavioral challenges or developmental disabilities. It emphasizes identifying and addressing the root causes of challenging behaviors while fostering the development of new, adaptive skills and reducing undesirable actions. By focusing on an individual’s strengths, preferences, and environmental factors, PBS empowers individuals, caregivers, and support networks to collaborate in achieving meaningful outcomes. This approach enriches lives across various settings, including homes, schools, and communities. How do I know if my Child is eligible? We provide Positive Behavior Support Services (PBSS) through Kentucky’s 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Waivers (HCBS), including the Michelle P. Waiver (MPW). Our Positive Behavior Support Specialists collaborate closely with participants, parents/caregivers, and team members to develop personalized plans. These plans focus on enhancing social skills, activities of daily living (ADLs), behavior reduction, and employment opportunities. For more information about the Michelle P. Waiver (MPW) or how to apply, visit: Michelle P. Waiver – Cabinet for Health and Family Services ( . Are you on the Michelle P. Waiver waiting list? To find out where your child/adult is on the MPW waiting list: Call the Division of Community Alternatives at 502-564-1647. Select Option #4 (Mental Health and Michelle P.). Then select Option #1 (Michelle P. Waiting List). A representative will provide you with an update on your position on the waiting list. Get started with POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT SERVICES To process a referral contact our Michelle P. Waiver Clerk Mail Janet Woodcox 270-465-7768 ext. 100 Phone Hi, I am Janet! Click on my photo to send me an email!
- The Kid SpOt Center | Parent Resources
Recursos para padres Diferencia en la terapia educativa frente a la médica Sesame Street Autism Resources para padres Recursos para familias militares Moviéndose con niños con necesidades especiales Modificaciones en el hogar para niños con necesidades especiales Recursos de Alojamiento Académico Planificación patrimonial para padres de niños con necesidades especiales Transporte de Medicaid Páginas web útiles: ¿Está usted en la lista de espera de Michelle P. Waiver? Si desea saber dónde está su hijo / adulto en la lista de espera de MPW ... Llame a la división de alternativas comunitarias- 502-564-1647 Seleccionar opción #4 (Salud Mental y Michelle P) Luego selecciona Opción #1 (Lista de espera de Michelle P) Alguien le informará dónde se encuentra en la lista de espera.
- What is ABA | thekidspotcenter
Back What is ABA Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is an evidence-based discipline built on the science of learning and behavior. Simply put, the general goals of ABA are to: Decrease behaviors that are harmful or can affect learning. Increase behaviors that are desired. We do this by incorporating a variety of evidence-based strategies throughout our treatment sessions Evidence-based Strategies Reinforcement Increases the likelihood that a behavior will happen again. ABA uses individualized motivators (rewards) to increase the likelihood that desired behavior will happen again. Discrete trail training Teaching new skills by breaking them down into smaller discrete components. Natural environment teaching Uses an individual's natural environment to teach, develop and maintain new skills. Functional communication training Teaching meaningful and functional communication in a natural way that help individuals get their needs met on a daily basis (this may not be verbal; this could be through pictures cards, basic signs, etc.). Shaping Teaching a big task by teaching it first in small steps.
- Contáctenos | thekidspotcenter
Campbellsville: (270) 465-7768 Elizabethtown: (270) 763-8225 Bowling Green: (270) 495-1312 Somerset: (606) 416-5139 Louisville: (502) 893-1380 For each clinic's address, hours and fax number, please visit our locations page . Say Hello
- Galería de fotos | thekidspotcenter
MX6A2539 MX6A2755 MX6A2799 MX6A2566 MX6A0779 MX6A1017 MX6A0950 MX6A1038 MX6A0804 Show More
- Summer Camp | thekidspotcenter
Summer Camp june 2024 Hosted by The Kid Spot Center Campbellsville Clinic. Camp for kids of ALL abilities at the Campbellsville location! Your child does NOT have to be a patient at The Kid SpOt Center to participate! We are looking forward to opening this camp up to the community and providing enrichment activities for children to participate in during the summer. We are getting ready for the summer Olympics with an Olympic Themed Summer Camp for the month of June and we have so many fun things planned for your child! The camp days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday for 8-11 year olds and Tuesdays and Thursdays for 5-7 year olds from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm est for the month of June.
- SpOt Ball | thekidspotcenter
2024 SpOt Ball 2024 SpOt Ball season is scheduled to start in September. To sign your child up for this season please following the link below. This event is FREE! Further details will be provided for location and game start times. We will provide the equipment, but if your child has their own glove, we encourage you to bring their own! Registration Season Schedule TBD To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
- Notice of Privacy Practices | thekidspotcenter
Please click on icon below to view our *Notice of Privacy Practices* Clicking on the circle icon will bring you to a document explaining our privacy practices. If you have any question please call us at: 270-465-7768 or emails us:
- Parent SpOt | thekidspotcenter
Parent Spot Who We Are Created to serve and support parents with children with special needs and disabilities. The Parent SpOt will offer support and education opportunities such as online webinars and in person meetings. Is this group available at all KSC locations? Yes! Although some in person meetings will only be held at the Campbellsville clinic. All parents are still welcome to attend both in person and online meetings regardless of the location their child receives services. Are there registration fees to join the group? No, this offer is FREE! Interested in our next upcoming event? Please email to RSVP Who Are We Future Events Parent spot meetings will resume in 2023. Enjoy this special season with your family! Previous Parent SpOt Events August 16th Skills for effective parent advocacy Live Webinar in partnership with KY-SPINN -- August 16th Get On The List Sign up to receive the first word on The Parent SpOt events. First Name Last Name Email Subscribe Thanks for submitting!