Physical Therapy
Physical therapy (PT) can help children develop motor skills to allow them to reach their greatest functioning potential. A child's number one job is to play. Their ability to play with peers requires motor development, strength, balance, coordination, and endurance. Pediatric physical therapy at The Kid Spot Center is designed specifically to meet children's unique needs. Our age-appropriate equipment and resources allow for the most effective therapy.
Our goal is a child whose independence has been increased through physical therapy.
Holding up the head
Bouncing a ball
Riding a bike
Is your child meeting developmental milestones?
Infant Milestones
0-12 Months
12-18 Months
18-24 Months
24-30 Months
3-6 Years
Holds head in alignment
Tracks an object
Begins to belly crawl
Rolls back to belly
Holds and shakes a toy
Belly crawls 3 feet forward
Pivots in sitting
Standing for 5 seconds without support
Transitions to stand using hands and feet
Walks 8 feet with one hand held
Walks 5 steps independently
Creeps upstairs on hands and knees
Walks 10 feet with without falling (not walking on toes)
Walks Backward 5 steps
Walks downstairs with support of one finger, non-alternating
Stands heel to toe on a line for 2 seconds
Kicks ball 3 feet
Throws ball overhand 3 feet
Rides a push bike
Throws ball underhand 3 feet
Kicks ball 3 feet with direction
Climbs up jungle gym
Walks down 4 steps without rail
Walks backward for 10 feet
Presents arms and attempts to catch ball
Runs 30 feet in 6 seconds
Throws ball 7 feet underhand
Kicks ball 6 feet forward using opposing arm and leg movement
Walks downstairs without a rail using an alternating pattern
Hops 3-5 times on each foot
Runs around obstacles
Able to walk on a line
Able to hop on one foot
Skips forwards after demonstration
Hangs from a bar for at least 5 seconds
Able to skip using a skipping rope
Demonstrates mature throwing and catching patterns
Mature jumping
Get connected
Call The Kid Spot Center clinic near you to schedule your child's free 15-minute screening!